
Homemade Yogurt

Milk-500 mls
Live natural yogurt-2tbsp

Boil the milk and allow it to cool to 40 to 45 deg cel.You can dip your little finger in the milk and if it is  lukewarm you may proceed.Take a glass jar(Iprefer glass you may choose a container of your choice) and add 2 tbsp of the culture.Stir well and leave it to set for 5 to 6 hours.
*In cold countries you may leave the yogurt to set 20 to 30 cms away from a room heater or in a warm oven.
*When buying the yogurt for culture buy the ones that our sour and it mentions live yogurt.
*I have tried suggestions of adding lemon juice to milk to make yogurt it was sour but tasted like milk.
*The yogurt wont be runny but not as set as the store bought ones that are set with gelatin.It looks like our dahiwalas dahi.


Sravs said...

Wonderful post !!

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Nisha said...

Nice and helpful post

Rinku Naveen said...

Very helpful post. Home made ones are so much better especially in India. Make them everyday as no one at home likes the sour curd we get here.